It’s no secret that liposuction removes stubborn fat. Everyone has extra fat here and there that they’d like to shed, and liposuction is a simple solution to those problem areas. But before you jump right in, here’s everything you need to know about liposuction.
Liposuction is minimally invasive. Incisions made into your skin are normally less than one inch in length. We’ll apply a solution to the skin to reduce bleeding and pain before the incision. Once done, Galardi | Bowen Plastic Surgery will insert a tube into the skin to remove fatty cells and fat. The procedure is relatively quick compared to other plastic surgery procedures. You can resume most routine activities after a week.
Liposuction is beneficial to patients who are at or near their ideal weight but have disproportionate deposits of fat that are resistant to dieting and exercise. The ideal candidates for liposuction are non-smokers who are generally in good health and have realistic expectations about its outcome.
The procedure is also ideal for patients with good muscle tone and skin elasticity. If a patient has already loose, saggy skin or lost a significant amount of weight, liposuction may only worsen the problem.
Liposuction won’t make you slim if you’re overweight. The procedure will only contour and reshape targeted areas of the body. It’s relatively low-risk, but can’t take off that extra 50 pounds you’ve gained over the past few years. The amount of fat removed during liposuction ranges from one to ten pounds. Larger amounts of fat can be removed, but this also means increased safety risks, contour irregularities, and skin rippling.
There are two kinds of cellulite: primary and secondary. Primary is what almost 90% of the population has. You should have extra fat to have cellulite, and liposuction helps with fat reduction. The secondary one is due to loose skin, so if you have it, you’ll need something to retract the skin.
Liposuction goes beyond the waistline. A research from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) reports that patients who get liposuction not only shed pounds, but may also decrease the risk of heart disease. Set an initial consultation with us and we’ll advice whether you’re a good candidate for the surgery.