Whether it is because of aging, weight loss, or genetics, many of us become unhappy with the way our legs look over time—particularly our thighs. Often, extra skin and fat refuse to smoothen out and can be heavy, making it uncomfortable to sit, walk, exercise, and participate in other daily activities. Women are especially prone to gaining this excess skin and fat due to the body’s natural estrogen production.

If excess skin or fat on your thighs is impacting your confidence or causing discomfort when you wear shorts, swimsuits, skirts, or jeans, you may be a good candidate for a thigh lift in Virginia Beach. Call us today to discuss this body sculpting procedure with a skilled member of our plastic surgery team.

What is a Thigh Lift?

A thigh lift, or thighplasty, is a standard cosmetic procedure that removes excess fat and skin from upper legs. A thigh lift can restore a firmer, more contoured appearance to the thighs and make everyday activities more comfortable.

Substantial weight loss, pregnancy, and aging can all result in excess skin on the thighs that could be treated with a thigh lift. It is important to note that a thigh lift is not a weight loss treatment and is best for those who are near their ideal weight but are not pleased with the way that their legs look. We could help you understand whether you are an optimal candidate for a thigh lift during a one-on-one consultation.

How Does the Procedure Work?

The thigh lift procedure is considered a major outpatient surgery. During the surgery, fat may be removed from the thigh using liposuction. Excess skin may be removed as well. Our surgeons will determine the best placement for the incision based on the amount of excess skin and fat that you have.

You will start noticing smoother thighs and tighter-looking skin within several days of your thigh lift. The full results of the procedure will become truly noticeable after approximately six weeks.

Maintaining Your Thigh Lift Results

As with many surgeries, full recovery takes up to a month. It is a good idea to have a trusted friend or partner with you one day after the surgery. Additionally, you will want to reduce movement to give your sutures time to heal. You should also refrain from heavy lifting for at least six weeks.

We aim to keep incisions in inconspicuous areas to minimize the amount of visible scarring from a thigh lift procedure.

Consult with a Cosmetic Surgeon about the Thigh Lift Procedure in Virginia Beach

Thigh lifts are a safe and effective way to deal with excess fat and skin on your legs. If you are tired of excess skin and fat on your legs weighing you down physically and emotionally, a thigh lift could be right for you.

To learn more about your options for a thigh lift in Virginia Beach, call Galardi | Bowen Plastic Surgery today. We are dedicated to ensuring that every patient is taken care of and will work with you to get the results that you desire.