After your breast augmentation surgery is complete, you’ll need to take it easy for at least two days and won’t see your final, beautiful results for three to four weeks. But what you do during your recovery period can have a big impact on your results. To have the best recovery possible, we recommend following these tips.
Though breast surgery is safe, it is still surgery. You’ll need at least two days to rest and relax after your surgery is complete. You may feel tired, and the skin around your chest may feel tight. With proper rest, both of these feelings will go away.
Once you start feeling better, likely after two to four days, you can return to work and most daily activities. You may still need some pain medicines to help you feel comfortable. Take these medicines as prescribed.
Even if you are feeling better, you should still avoid reaching above your head, jarring activities like running, and strenuous exercise, which can increase swelling and pull at your surgery incisions. If you would like to exercise, stick to moderate activity like walking.
You’ll need to wear the bandages around your chest for at least 24 hours. After that, you may be able to remove the dressings to shower. However, keep your steri-strips or tape in place. Replace your dressings or wear a soft, supportive recovery bra after showering. You’ll need to wear a bra or dressing at all times to support your breasts. You should avoid bathing or swimming for at least two weeks after surgery.
Because you can’t reach above your head or lift heavy items for a few weeks after surgery, you may need to make a few preparations in your home before surgery occurs. You should:
You might also need to find care for your children or pets for a few days after surgery. Ask friends and family for help if you are concerned about your recovery.
By four to six weeks after surgery, all bruising and swelling should be gone. You’ll be able to see your final results and return to all of your normal activities.
The caring staff at Galardi | Bowen Plastic Surgery in Virginia Beach is ready to help you have the best breast augmentation surgery recovery possible so you can enjoy beautiful results. Contact us today at (757) 496-5556 to learn more about our services.