Sculpting Your Dream Body in Virginia Beach

In a world where body image plays a significant role in our self-confidence, achieving the physique we desire can sometimes feel like an uphill battle. However, thanks to advancements in cosmetic procedures, sculpting your dream body is now more achievable than ever. One such groundbreaking innovation that has taken the aesthetic world by storm is CoolSculpting®.

What is CoolSculpting®?

CoolSculpting®, also known as cryolipolysis, is a revolutionary, non-invasive procedure designed to target and eliminate stubborn fat cells in specific areas of the body. Unlike traditional liposuction, which involves surgery and downtime, CoolSculpting® harnesses the power of controlled cooling to freeze away unwanted fat, leaving the skin unharmed.

The History of CoolSculpting®: From Popsicles to Cryolipolysis

The concept of CoolSculpting® originated when Dr. Dieter Manstein from the Massachusetts General Hospital and Dr. Rox Anderson from the Harvard School of Medicine noted an intriguing occurrence known as “popsicle panniculitis.” Through their investigation, they found that infants who frequently consumed popsicles developed cheek dimples, suggesting a link between cold exposure and fat reduction.

Motivated by their findings, this observation spurred the realization that cold temperatures could selectively target and eliminate fat cells while preserving surrounding tissue.

Sculpting Your Dream Body: Areas CoolSculpting® Can Treat

One of the most appealing aspects of CoolSculpting® is its versatility. This innovative procedure can target many areas, including the abdomen, thighs, flanks (love handles), arms, back, and even the jawline. Whether you’re struggling with a muffin top, saddlebags, or a double chin, CoolSculpting® offers a custom solution to help you attain your desired silhouette.

*The FDA has cleared CoolSculpting® to treat 9 areas of the body.

Exploring the Advantages of Non-Surgical Fat Reduction: The Perks of Choosing this Approach

CoolSculpting® offers many benefits, making it an attractive option for those seeking body contouring solutions.

Benefits of CoolSculpting® include:
  • Non-invasive: No general anesthesia, incisions, or scars.
  • Little to no downtime: Patients can resume normal activities right away.
  • Targeted fat reduction: CoolSculpting® shapes specific areas of stubborn fat.
  • Natural-looking results: Gradual fat elimination leads to natural outcomes.
  • Customizable treatment plans: Plans are tailored to individual needs.
  • Safe and effective: Proven safety and effectiveness in studies.
  • Boost in confidence: Sculpting your dream body enhances self-esteem.

Taking the First Step: The Initial Consultation

Imagine finally saying goodbye to those stubborn pockets of fat that have been resistant to diet and exercise. With CoolSculpting®, that goal can become a reality.

During your CoolSculpting® consultation, you’ll meet with an experienced Galardi Bowen Plastic Surgery provider. This personalized 1:1 session allows you to discuss your unique goals and concerns. Your provider will take the time to listen attentively, ensuring they understand your desired outcomes. Next, they’ll assess your target areas, examine your body shape, and pinpoint where CoolSculpting® can best deliver results. Using their expertise and knowledge, your provider will explain the CoolSculpting® process in detail, answering any questions you may have. Finally, they’ll work with you to develop a personalized treatment plan. This plan will be tailored to your needs and objectives, ensuring you feel confident and informed about your journey.

What to Expect: The CoolSculpting® Process

There are several key steps in the CoolSculpting® process. First, your provider will document your progress with clinical photographs taken before, during, and after treatment sessions. Then, your provider will mark the treatment area and apply a gel pad to protect your skin throughout the procedure. After applying the gel pad, they will place specialized applicators on your body. As treatment begins, you’ll feel a cold sensation and mild vacuum pressure. Don’t worry; the area will become temporarily numb after a few minutes, ensuring your comfort throughout the session. Once the treatment cycle is complete (typically between 35-75 minutes), the applicator(s) and gel pad are removed, and the treated area will be gently massaged for approximately two minutes to aid in the breakdown of fat cells. Since CoolSculpting® has little to no downtime, you can return to your busy day!

*Most patients find the CoolSculpting® procedure tolerable and relaxing, often choosing to watch TV, read a book, or even take a nap during their session.

Why Choose CoolSculpting®: Stats and Success Stories

CoolSculpting® has surged in popularity in recent years, resulting in a steady rise in people considering non-invasive body contouring treatments. In fact, according to Jasson Gilmore, Senior Vice President at Allergan Aesthetics, more than 17 million CoolSculpting® treatments have been performed worldwide since receiving FDA clearance in 2010.

CoolSculpting® Facts:
  • FDA-cleared for the abdomen, hips, inner or outer thighs, back (“bra rolls”), upper arms, under the buttocks, and under the chin.
  • Research indicates that up to 25% fat reduction per treatment is typical.
  • Patient satisfaction shows that 89.2% of patients are satisfied or very satisfied with CoolSculpting® after two visits.
  • Patients may observe results as early as 1 – 3 months after treatment.

Compilation of before and after comparisons of patients that have undergone Coolsculpting on the path to sculpting their dream body.

Get Rid of Stubborn Fat for Good with CoolSculpting® in Virginia Beach

CoolSculpting® offers a transformative solution for sculpting your dream body without surgery or downtime. With its proven efficacy, versatility, and minimal discomfort, CoolSculpting® has earned its place as a leading option for individuals looking to enhance their appearance and boost their self-confidence.

If you’re ready to say hello to a slimmer, more sculpted you, consider scheduling a consultation with the providers of GBR Plastic Surgery.