Tummy tucks, or a stomach tuck, is one of the most popular plastic surgery procedures out there. It’s also a plastic surgery procedure commonly done in a “mommy makeover”, along with Liposuction and Breast Augmentations. With so many options on the market right now, it can be hard to determine “is this what I need?” We will break down what a tummy tuck is, who is the best candidate for a stomach tuck, and why you should get one!
What is a Tummy Tuck procedure?
A Tummy Tuck is a cosmetic surgical procedure used to repair abdomen muscles and remove excess skin and fat on patients who are recovering from obesity or went through pregnancy. According to Duke Health, “The goal of a tummy tuck is to improve the shape and function of your abdominal wall”.

How is this surgical procedure performed?
During a stomach tuck, your plastic surgeon will make an incision in the lower belly area, sometimes right over your C-section scar if you have one. Excess skin and fat above the incision is removed, the remaining skin is then pulled down and stitched to the tissue under the incision line. Your belly button is typically re-made during your Tummy Tuck. The plastic surgeon may also use Liposuction to remove fat in areas that were not removed during the stomach tuck.
One thing that is done during a tummy tuck, probably the most important thing, is the tightening of the layer of tissue that holds your ab muscles in place. This step is important for most patients getting a stomach tuck because Diastasis Recti can be very hard to fix without surgery. It’s not impossible, but very hard. Without surgically tightening your abdomen muscles, you may never achieve the “toned” look that most sought after.
Who is Tummy Tuck for?
Both men and women get stomach tucks. For men who have experienced extreme weight loss and are left with excess skin, there typically isn’t much that can be done besides a plastic surgery procedure to remove the skin. During weight gain, your muscles can stretch, and it can be hard to get them back to what they once were after weight loss. A Tummy Tuck can fix the stretched muscles as well. Women who have experienced weight loss and want a solution for loose skin and stretched abdominal muscles can also undergo this surgical procedure.
Women who have undergone pregnancy are typically left with excess skin and stretched out muscles as well. Moms are the most common patient to undergo a Tummy Tuck in Virginia Beach.
Diet and exercise can only do but so much to help tighten loose skin and muscles on the abdomen. If you feel like you have done your best but still have loose skin and abdomen muscles, you may be a good candidate for a Tummy Tuck.
Who is a good candidate for Tummy Tuck in Virginia Beach?
This surgical procedure can be highly individualized, but here are some things that can check the boxes for being a good candidate:
- Being a non-smoker or willing to quit
- In good health
- Understand the recovery time
- Willing to follow all post op recovery directions
- Be around 20 pounds of your ideal weight
- You have loose, sagging skin
- Your abdominal muscles have separated
- You maintain living a healthy, active lifestyle

Schedule a Tummy Tuck in Virginia Beach
Our plastic surgeons in Virginia Beach have a combined 32+ years of experience in this field. Tummy Tucks are one of their #1 procedures. Galardi Bowen Plastic Surgery would be ecstatic to go on this journey with you!
To schedule a consultation for a stomach tuck, please give us a call at 757-496-5556 or click here.
CLICK HERE for Tummy Tuck before and after’s by Galardi Bowen Plastic Surgery
CLICK HERE for more information on a Tummy Tuck procedure
The views expressed in this blog are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Galardi Bowen Plastic Surgery.