When it comes to fat reduction, there can be a lot of options to choose from. Many patients love Liposuction due to its ability to “spot treat” and its easier recovery when compared to other options. There are many different types of options that all come with different costs, but Galardi Bowen Plastic Surgery only offers Tumescent Liposuction, which is the most popular. The cost of Liposuction in Virginia Beach comes down to quite a few factors, which we will review.
What is Tumescent Liposuction?
Tumescent Liposuction uses a solution made up of saline, lidocaine, and other solutions that the surgeon will inject into the area. This results in firmer fat which is easier to remove. A small incision is made and a “cannula” -a small, skinny tube that is connected to a vacuum machine- is inserted and used to break up and suck the fat out of the body. Tumescent liposuction typically has quicker recovery time and less side effects and risks when compared to other types of liposuction. The areas in which you can get this procedure include hips, abdomen, thighs, buttocks, breast, thighs and neck.

How much does Liposuction cost in Virginia Beach?
The cost of Liposuction in Virginia Beach can vary, but according to the American Society of Plastic Surgery, the average cost of Liposuction is $4,711.
At Galardi Bowen Plastic Surgery, you can expect the following to factor into the cost of Liposuction:
Recovery room
Surgeon fee
Pre & Post Op care
Operating room
Surgical supplies
Lab work
What else can determine the cost of Liposuction?
- Expertise of the surgeon: The skill level of the plastic surgeon in Virginia Beach can impact the cost of Liposuction. A plastic surgeon who has significantly more experience with Liposuction may be a little bit more expensive, however may result in reduced risks and improved results.
2. Treatment area: The area in which you want treatment can greatly affect the cost of Liposuction. Liposuction on the chin can be less expensive than liposuction on an area such as your abdomen, due to how much smaller your chin is when compared to your abdomen. So, rule of thumb, the smaller the area is, the less expensive it may be to have liposuction.
3. Geographic area: Liposuction cost can vary depending on the area. According to Phoenix Liposuction, “Liposuction procedures performed in urban areas tend to be more expensive than those done in rural areas due to higher overhead costs associated with running a practice in a larger city. Additionally, the cost may vary from state to state depending on local regulations and taxes.”
Does insurance ever cover Liposuction?
Insurance is typically not known to cover the cost of Liposuction when it is solely cosmetic. Many plastic surgeons in Virginia Beach do offer great financing options to make the procedure affordable without insurance. There are some cases in which plastic surgeons will state that liposuction is medically necessary, and insurance will then cover the liposuction cost.
Galardi Bowen Plastic Surgery in Virginia Beach offers financing assistance for cosmetic procedures. Currently there are two great financing options to choose from: CareCredit and Alphaeon.
Liposuction in Virginia Beach with Galardi Bowen Plastic Surgery
Liposuction is one of the most popular procedures picked by patients of Galardi Bowen Plastic Surgery. The talented surgeons at GBR Plastic Surgery have performed thousands of Liposuction procedures.
If you would like to see results specific to the surgeons of Galardi Bowen Plastic Surgery, please follow this link.
To schedule a consultation, please call 757-496-5556 to speak to one of our friendly patient coordinators.