At Galardi | Bowen Plastic Surgery Center in Virginia Beach, we see patients of all ages, shapes, and sizes in our operating suite, accredited by the American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery Facilities. Women come to our plastic surgery center unhappy with the appearance of their breasts, and seeking answers. A breast aug procedure is one that our expert plastic surgeons perform almost daily.
Galardi | Bowen Plastic Surgery is here to help you be your breast self.
Whether your goal is to restore volume to your breasts following weight loss or pregnancy, improve overall appearance due to asymmetry, balance out wide hips in your silhouette, or simply increase the size of your bust, Galardi | Bowen Plastic Surgery in Virginia Beach can help.
Virginia Beach Breast Aug Consultations
Our qualified surgeons and welcoming nursing staff are happy to answer your questions during your breast aug consultation in Virginia Beach

We’ll discuss what kinds of breast implants are right for you (saline, silicone, round, teardrop) and what you’re looking for. It’s important to share your goals and expectations with your Virginia Beach plastic surgeon for the best results. This consultation is not the time to be shy or play coy-come prepared to discuss every aspect of your breast implant surgery.
For example, if you’re seeking perkier breasts, an augmentation alone will not achieve your desired results. Talk to your surgeon at your consultation if this is the case, and they may recommend a breast lift to complement your breast aug-taking care of both surgeries at once to minimize cost and recovery time off from work.
Am I A Good Candidate for Breast Aug Surgery?
The most important determining factor of your breast aug candidacy is that you’ve made this decision for yourself. Regardless of who may be paying for the surgery, if you don’t truly want to enlarge your breasts, then don’t. Our patients are happiest with their results when they’ve made the change to please themselves, not others.

Health is another important topic we’ll discuss during your free consultation. A healthy lifestyle and person are likely to have better results and a shorter recovery.
Age matters when considering plastic surgery. If your breasts are not fully developed yet, then surgery may have to wait until you’re older.
Pregnant or breastfeeding women are NOT candidates for a breast aug in Virginia Beach.
Finally, you’ll need to share with your surgeon any medical conditions and medications including vitamins, supplements, alcohol, tobacco, and drug use, as well as any family history of breast cancer.
Schedule your FREE consultation today!
At Galardi | Bowen Plastic Surgery in Virginia Beach, we are thorough because we care about our patients and we want them to experience the best results possible. Get in touch today to schedule a consultation for a Breast Aug in Virginia Beach, and start living your breast life. Give us a call at 757-469-5556 or CLICK HERE.
CLICK HERE for Breast Aug before and afters by Galardi Bowen Plastic Surgery in Virginia Beach